Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Struggling. Needed grace all over the place this morning and was very upset that I needed it. I am so thankful that grace is there, so grateful that Jesus Christ's sacrifice and righteousness are mine, but thoroughly frustrated that I still need it. Oh how I long to be with the Lord and to see rightly!

Still struggling. Sick baby. Praying she doesn't get dehydrated. Praying I wake up if she needs me in the night...she is so quiet. Praying that the illness doesn't last through the night.

Still struggling spiritually. There is an area of life that I have a difficult time trusting other people in. It seems that soon we will need to expose ourselves, make our situation clear and be vulnerable. That sounds more severe then it really is. My internal struggle is far greater then the external one at this point. Again, Oh to be with the Lord and see things rightly, from His perspective.

As I re-read this short post I am struck that I need to trust God and I am struck that there is not a promise I can bring to mind to cling to except He loves me. That is a big deal but I am sad that I don't have more truth in my arsenal. Lord, help me build up in mastery of your Word.

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