Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 63

The Old Testament is coming alive to me in exciting ways. I must admit that I need help training my mind to see what God is doing throughout the history of Israel but I rejoice when clarity is given and am thankful for the people who share their insights. Tonight, in addition to reading a Psalm and Matthew 6 I went back and read a commentary on 1 Samuel 5 and 6. At first I was motivated by hearing more about what was up with the tumors of gold as an offering to God. Then I was distracted by the possibility that the plague God sent was the bubonic plague...creating tumors in the armpits, groin, and neck and being carried by rats. Then God gripped me!

The Philistines had the ark in their possession. They suspected that Yahweh was behind these plagues and they wanted to be rid of His heavy hand...but they wanted to be sure. Seeking the help of the priests they made their offering and carted the ark, yoking two nursing cows whose calves were penned up. I never made the connection before that any nursing mammal would immediately return to their baby, thus making it nothing short of a miracle if they went instead, straight to Israel. This was the Philistines test. The part that gets me is that God condescends to speak to the Philistines through these cows. Bellowing all the way, the cows head off to Israel.

This grips me because it is grace! It is love for Israel's enemies-God's enemies! God revealed Himself to pagan gentiles and gave them the opportunity to repent and worship the One true God. What mercy! What kindness! Their response is too often my response. I was with the Philistines, an enemy of God, suffering under His heavy hand. Then He called me out and I repent but I also am satisfied with relief that the suffering is over instead of fear, trembling, and wonder at this AWESOME, GRACIOUS GOD...who pursues me and purchases me with His life and blesses me. Great thoughts to meditate on as I fall asleep.

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