Sunday, December 18, 2011

Days 45 & 46

Yes, I did spend time in the Word yesterday. It wasn't much but it was sweet. I am loving Psalm 107. I especially like verses 10-16. It is such a beautiful picture of redemption. Some, like me, sat in darkness because of their rebellion, therefore God afflicted them. Why? So they would cry to the Lord and then He delivered them. (this is the purpose of suffering!) He shatters the prison that sin traps us in. A great picture. A great reminder.

I am also on a new quest. As I have talked about earlier I am reading through 1 Samuel. I just read chapter 6. What in the world?!!? Go read it. They seriously made gold images of their tumors as an offering to God? Why? Why is that in the Bible? There is a reason for everything that is in Scripture. I get the part about God sending the tumors...I don't get the gold-tumors-and-mice-as-an-offering part. I hope that I have time, this week, to seek out some answers to these questions which may sound very silly but are completely genuine. I am not going to skip over this. I will keep seeking...

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