Being a Father is a strange thing. Its a good thing. I'm thankful for the opportunity and thankful for what God teaches me through it and the illustration it is to me of His role in my life. But I say its strange because there is a sense in which it is like nothing else. Its a built in leadership role that requires no qualifications and yet functions as one of the most influential among human relationships. I think that I am generally unaware on a day to day basis of the importance of every interaction between myself and my children. I DO desire to be more deliberate in how they are influenced by me. some thoughts along these lines were running through my mind and so I thought I'd write them down.
Things I want my kids to know (b/c they were around me):
1. That there is nothing more important in the world than Jesus Christ and living our lives in light of the cross. "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Philippians 1:21
2. The Church is where the most amazing things on earth are happening 24/7. (Eph.5:25-27)
The only thing that God loves more than His church is His son and His own glory. The Church is critical to God, its where He is doing his most profound work on a daily basis and its clearly His will that it be of critical importance to us. If the Church matters so much to God, why would it matter any less to us? This includes the controversial but very real mandate that the church be a priority over our families when a decision between the two must be made (Luke 14:26).
3. Trust God (Prov.3:5-6)
"Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell the storm how big your God is."
4. True happiness comes from Jesus alone.
" The hope of the righteous brings joy, but the expectation of the wicked will perish." Proverbs 10:28
5. Do what you KNOW is right, no matter who disagrees.
This one can be taken to mean something that it does not intend (as in following your own heart), but taken into the context of Christ-centered living---the idea is that you veraciously seek out God's will for your life in every detail and do NOT divert from it unless its clearly God who is leading. (Romans 12:1-2)
6. Be amazed by GRACE.
God's purpose in history and the plan of the cross was to display his lovingkindness and most magnificently, his grace. This attribute of God's would not have been known as it is without sin and the need for Christ to be crucified. The thick mixture of justice and mercy producing grace is satisfying not only to God but to the deepest parts of the human soul. (Eph.1)
7. Pray Constantly (1 Thess.5:17)
We pray every morning during devotions and every night when the kids are put to bed. We pray when crisis hits and we pray at every meal. Its not just constant communication with God; its commanded AND it actually effects the things you pray for as well as your own heart.
8.There is a reason God gave you one mouth and two ears.
Our family is one full of talkers. We talk to ourselves, we talk to strangers and we talk incessantly to those we love the most. "When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent." Proverbs 10:19. Be careful to guard your tongue and be diligent to listen when you are among those who are wise. "The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snares of death." Provers 13:14. Listen-----listen and you will earn the privilege of others wanting to listen to you. "Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;" James 1:19.
9. Take things at face value, don't assume anything but good from things and people you don't know very well. Give them the benefit of the doubt. We don't always know why people act the way they do or why things happen as they do. God is still sovereign and justice will come---either on the cross or in hell. (Romans 12:21).
10. Treat people with the dignity God has given them as image bearers of God and loved by Him. Be it men, women, enemies, friends, black people or white people, irritating people or celebrities. All people are loved by God and should expect no less from you. (Matthew 22:37-40).
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